Where’s the gold?

CME Gold 8.17.2011

Hugo Chavez Demands 99 Tons of Venezuelan Gold Returned From the Bank of England/ JP Morgue

Activist Post – SILVER DOCTORS – Aug 18, 2011

Chavez has requested that the Bank of England return 99 Tons of Venezuelan gold held on deposit, and a total of 211 Tons of gold held abroad (WSJ).

For those with any knowledge of the cartel, you know where this is heading.

For those who don’t….the Bank of England currently stores 211 tons of Venezuela’s gold in the vaults of (per Bloomberg) JP Morgan, Barclays, and the Bank of Nova Scotia.

A last check of physical gold inventory in The Morgue’s vault showed a whopping 338,303 total ounces of gold…roughly 10.6 tons. Go to story

If you say, “No, I don’t want paper. Give me gold dollar,” then you are finished. Your currency will be finished.

excerpt from conversation, New Vrindaban, June 22, 1976:

If you say, “No, I don’t want paper. Give me gold dollar,” then you are finished. Your currency will be finished. Immediately there will be revolution, that “The government is cheating us.” Actually it is cheating. What is the proof, value, of this paper, little paper? Simply “I promise to pay, governor and this…” But it is on trust only: “Yes, government will pay me.” They’ll never pay, but so long the government goes on, it will go on, that’s all, cheating will go on. And as soon government fails, you throw in the street, no one will care for it. It has been practically proved in the last war, in Germany. There was scarcity of food, and those who had bunch of currency notes, they went for one piece of bread, so many thousand marks, “Give me.” Nobody supplied. So the paper has no value, but if we believe, it has value, that’s all. Otherwise what is the meaning of this paper, one thousand dollars? So it is a kind of cheating, “We trust in God; we are very good men. You trust in me.”

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