Author Archives: Hansadutta das
Every sound has a substance
Santa Rosa College, February 13, 2013: Hansadutta das was invited to speak on Krishna consciousness. Thanks to Gadadhara das (Berkeley, California) for the following videos, in six parts: Hansadutta Sings Maha Mantra Santa Rosa College (2013) [youtube width=”400″ height=”300″]ng9e3gMkqvM[/youtube]
Please show me right direction
Here is the answer to the question so many sincere devotees have: Who to trust for guidance? This is the answer. YOU HAVE TO READ AND HEAR EVERYTHING OF PRABHUPADA’S TEACHING, THEN YOU HAVE THE STANDARD, THE YARDSTICK WHEREBY WHICH … more
Proof in realization
First accept authority and proof will come STUDENT: What separates your community from all the other communities? Everyone claims that their system is the ultimate. HANSADUTTA: The Krishna consciousness movement is based or rooted in the authorized books of the … more
Letter from Anuttama
Here’s a letter received from Anuttama devi dasi on Friday. A very generous offer. My reply to her follows
Who are the Terrorists?
Those who are in the bodily conception of life are terrorists. Those who keep us from making progress to freedom are terrorists. Those who keep us in bondage of the cycle of birth and death are terrorists. There is no … more
But we’re already in outer space!
New Stratolaunch plane will take people into Earthâs orbit Yahoo! News – ERIC PFEIFFER – Dec 13, 2011 Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is teaming up with aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan to build a giant machine that is part airplane and … more
Fruit of the tree
I think of the morning walk conversations as the fruit of the tree of Srila Prabhupada’s teaching. There are the formal translation and purports of his many books, but the conversations are the fruits of that extensive tree of formal … more
Location, location, location
Here is another conversation regarding Pakistan, USA and Russia using India as a battle field. It starts by Prabhupada questioning the devotees on why America is so fond of Pakistan. Of course no one can properly answer. Prabhupada then goes … more
To print or not to print
Euro Schizophrenia in Germany Zero Hedge – WOLF RICHTER – Nov 21, 2011 Merkel’s government is under immense worldwide pressure, and fewer of its members are speaking out against Inflationspolitik. Countries like Spain are practically begging for help from the ECB. … more
99 percent + 1 percent mad = you do the math
22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear The Economic Collapse – Nov 14, 2011 Greed, corruption and extreme self-centeredness have deeply infected our society. We see this on Wall … more