Author Archives: Hansadutta das
What will you do for Krishna?
“Give me my daily bread” If you cannot take care of what you have now, you cannot receive more. Your Father would give you so much if he knew you would take care of it. Everyone, whatever you have, take … more
Science confirms Vedic info
Vedic Literatures: Fact or Mythology?” You think of everything in terms of your own experience. Go to story
Who Follows the Principles of Religion?
Sometimes people ask us, “Why are there so many religions? Hindu religion, Christian religion, Buddhist religion, Mohammedan religion.” And we have to reply that, in fact, there is only one religion. There cannot be many religions because God is one, therefore His orders are one. Therefore religion is one. What is that religion? It is one principle—just as mathematics, either in Colombo, in Delhi, in London, in New York, or in San Francisco, two plus two is equal to four. The principle is one and the same. Similarly, either one follows the teachings of Christ, or one follows the teachings of Krishna, or Mohammed. The principles of religion are the same.more
Nuclear Reaction – Collective Karma
Originally spoken before an audience in Portland, Oregon, June 22, 1982. Nuclear Threat The general idea of the public is that it is the political leaders who are the cause of nuclear armament, nuclear arms race, stockpiles of nuclear weapons, … more
Food for Life
Not Vegetarian, But “Krishna-tarian” Laws Ordaining Food Nature’s law is that one living being exists by eating another. Nevertheless, the scriptures give regulations for human life and set aside certain foods for human beings. That quota is divided into six … more
Reincarnation: Transmigration of the Soul
Have we lived before? Forgotten Identity Krishna says to Arjuna: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot. (Bhagavad-gita 4.5)
The Pilgrimage Has Come to You
The pilgrimage has come to you in the form of Bhagavad-gita, the Holy Name, the devotees, the prasadam. It’s coming to you. Krishna is so kind. Isn’t it? But we have all these sentimental and traditional, pseudo-spiritual ideas: we should … more
One Religion, Like One Sun
What we see in the world as different religions may be seen as higher or lower levels of spiritual evolution or spiritual realization, but that is not different religions; that is one religion being practiced on higher or lower levels, just as education has higher and lower levels.more
What is True and What is False?
Malaysia, March 1998 Because falsehood is so prominent, truth is always shocking. Volumes of books have been written since time immemorial by philosophers and thinkers to understand: What I am? Where did I come from? What am I doing here? … more
The Premise is the Problem
California, 2001 The premise that the material world is a place of enjoyment for the living entity is the problem. Actually, the material world is a place of perpetual suffering, and material activities are a perpetual struggle to avoid or … more