Let them eat nuts and bolts

Forbes reveals that farmers are at the top of the list of careers headed for the dustbin in the US: food production increasingly outsourced.

Jobs Outlook 2012: Careers Headed For The Dustbin

Forbes – JENNA GOUDREAU – Feb 7, 2012

…Some once-steady career paths are being outsourced, replaced or eliminated. Based on new projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS), we examined the 20 fastest-declining jobs through 2020. The list is dominated by agricultural, production, and administrative support occupations—adding to a growing pile of careers headed for the dustbin.

The biggest projected losers are farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers. The occupation tops the list with an expected decline of 96,100 jobs, or 8%, by 2020. In fact, the agricultural industry has been steadily eroding for years. Between 2000 and 2010, the sector (including agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting) contracted by 260,700 jobs.

“What we’re seeing now is global specialization, with the U.S. economy shifting towards services and technology,” says Godhwani. “Anything where the U.S. is not going to be the best, you’ll see the jobs leaving. We can now import food from all over the world.” Go to story

The USA is bleeding jobs. When Obama asked Steve Jobs about Apple bringing jobs back to USA, Steve Jobs answered, “Those jobs are not coming home.” USA is no longer competitive, and in many instances, not even capable of producing in the high tech sector. And now the USA is losing in the agricultural sector also? Putting food on the table is becoming increasingly difficult and costly.

excerpt from Teachings of Queen Kunti:

It is by ignorance that people think that by opening factories they will be happy. Why should they open factories? There is no need. There is so much land, and one can produce one’s own food grains and eat sumptuously without any factory. Milk is also available without a factory. The factory cannot produce milk or grains. The present scarcity of food in the world is largely due to such factories. When everyone is working in the city to produce nuts and bolts, who will produce food grains? Simple living and high thinking is the solution to economic problems. Therefore the Krishna consciousness movement in engaging devotees in producing their own food and living self-sufficiently so that rascals may see how one can live very peacefully, eat the food grains one has grown oneself, drink milk, and chant Hare Krishna.

excerpt from lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.26, Bombay, January 3, 1975:

If you go to some industrial place in a factory, iron factory like Tata’s, you will see how they are engaged in ghora activities, horrible activities—after all, you have to eat something—but they have planned a ghora activity, very fierceful, ugra-karma. By nature’s way, Krishna has given us everything. You can simply work little. You get food grains. Krishna says like that. Krishna never says that “You open big, big fierceful, horrible industries.” You will never find in Bhagavad-gita. For your livelihood, Krishna says very simple method. Annad bhavanti bhutani [Bg. 3.14]. Annad. Anna, you produce anna [food grains]. Why you are planning big, big industries? The oil will come from America through the channel, and the Arabia will refuse to supply oil. There will be power problem, so many things, one after another, one after another. But Krishna does not say that do all these things, ghora. No. He says, annad bhavanti bhutani: “You just produce food grain.” And bhavanti bhutani. Bhutani means all living entities, they will be stout and strong by eating. What you want more? Annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah. And if there is sufficient rain, then automatically, then it will be very easy to grow food grains. Parjanyad anna… If there is no parjanya, rain, then your so-called tractor will not help you, or knowledge, agricultural knowledge, will not help you. You will have to depend on Krishna for rains. Parjanyad anna-sambhavah. And yajñad bhavati parjanyah [Bg. 3.14]. If you perform yajña, then there will be regular rainfalls.

In the Kali-yuga there is no yajña. Therefore there is anavrishti, anavrishti. The Kali-yuga people will forget performing yajña. They will be busy in ghora-rupa activities, horrible and fierceful activities, not yajña. They will neglect yajña. So then how your these bolts and nuts and rubber tires will help you? Therefore there is scarcity of anna. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming. Naturally, what people will eat? They will eat mamsa and roots and seeds. No milk. No sugar. No wheat. These things will be stopped. As we are becoming entangled in ghora-rupa activities or mudha activities, then the more we shall be entangled with sufferings of material existence. They do not know what is the actually interest. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi vishnum [Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.5.31].

excerpt from conversation, Germany, June 22, 1974:

Killing business has become very prominent at the present moment, and therefore they are being killed in the womb of the mother, abortion and killing child. That they do not know. Nature will not excuse you. You are killing; you’ll be killed within your mothers’ womb. You’ll never see the light of the sun. You go on being killed, one after another, as many animals you have killed. They do not know. And time will come in this age when there will be no food and man will kill man and eat. That time is coming. Yes. They are now killing animal, but animal lives on this grass and grains. When there will be no grass, no grains, where they will get animal? They’ll kill their own son and eat. That time is coming. Nature’s law is that you grow your own food. But they are not interested in growing food. They are interested in manufacturing bolts and nuts.

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