Monthly Archives: April 2006

Not gonna survive

Scrambling for survival, to avoid depression, inflation or atomic war is ultimately a futile endeavor. The real endeavor should be to firmly establish or entrench the mind in firm faith in the mercy of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. There … more

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There is no use of going to the forest for one who has failed to control his mind, because he only takes his uncontrolled mind with him. The best course of action is to remain situated in that environment where … more

Posted in Family, Marriage, Parenting, Women, Holy Name, Krishna Consciousness | Tagged | Comments Off on Renunciation

Connecting with Krishna

Everyone is full of fear, and that fear can only be mitigated by coming nearer to Krishna, which can easily be done simply by vibrating the Holy Name, just as coming nearer to fire automatically counteracts being cold. Chanting the … more

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