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Category Archives: Spiritual Master & Disciple
Please show me right direction
Here is the answer to the question so many sincere devotees have: Who to trust for guidance? This is the answer. YOU HAVE TO READ AND HEAR EVERYTHING OF PRABHUPADA’S TEACHING, THEN YOU HAVE THE STANDARD, THE YARDSTICK WHEREBY WHICH … more
Fruit of the tree
I think of the morning walk conversations as the fruit of the tree of Srila Prabhupada’s teaching. There are the formal translation and purports of his many books, but the conversations are the fruits of that extensive tree of formal … more
Don’t Change Prabhupada’s Books Like You Change Your Underwear!
Berkeley, California, August 31, 2011 Why did Prabhupada publish all these books?
Posted in Prabhupada's books, Spiritual Master & Disciple
Tagged changes to Prabhupada's books, Gayatri, harinam, rittvik, ritvik
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Put Your Trust in Prabhupada’s Instructions
Nov 1, 2010 Dear Madhavananda Prabhu, please accept my most humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have read over your letter very carefully. You are certainly very sincere and thoughtful. I will answer your thoughts one after the … more
Posted in A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Spiritual Master & Disciple
Tagged disksa guru, Prabhupada, ritvik
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How to be linked up with Srila Prabhupada
A devotee in Texas wrote in, asking what to do, how to be properly connected with Srila Prabhupada. He is certainly not the only one. There are many devotees like him all over the world, so I hope this helps … more
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Inquiry, Submission, Service
Hansadutta at Santa Rosa Junior College (Part 7/10) Guest speaker to Professor Carla Grady’s Asian Philosophy Class September 27, 2010 Knowlege begins when a person admits his shortcoming, and he goes to an authority. Just like when we have a … more
Seeing by grace of Prabhupada
Received an email of appreciation today from Chakreshwara Goswami: Dear Hansaduttaji, My Parnams to you. I have found your address on website and I am writing to you because I am much appreciative of your point of view. Why I … more
Some thoughts on Srila Prabhupada the Acharya
Srila Prabhupada, the Sampradaya Acharya, my spiritual master. Please accept my most humble obeisances. Srila Prabhupada, the greatest Acharya since Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Dear Srila Prabhupada, an inspiration came to my heart about your rarity, mercy and greatness. Like a … more
Going to Prabhupada
PRABHUPADA: Our George Harrison, he also liked KRSNA book. HARI-SAURI: Yes. We sold so many KRSNA books on the strength of showing them that… PRABHUPADA: George Harrison. HARI-SAURI: …Introduction from George Harrison. PRABHUPADA: Yes. And I have acknowledged his contribution … more
Receiving the Name of Krishna
The words of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur (from his essay Thakur Bhaktivinode), apply to Srila Prabhupada and ourselves today as much as when they were penned on paper. I have substituted Srila Prabhupada where Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati wrote Thakur Bhaktivinode. The scriptures … more
Posted in Spiritual Master & Disciple
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